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  • EIPA has been affiliated with the Philatelic Congress of India (PCI) since 1999 as an institutional member and actively participated in all philately promotional events. EIPA as a visible prominent Association in the country acknowledged by the Philatelic Congress of India with a Letter of Appreciation for the year 2020-21 in lieu of contributions to the promotion of Philately. One Life member was recognized as a Fellow of the PCI and 5 life Members of EIPA (who are PCI Members also), and received letters of Appreciation for the year 2020-21.
  • Three district-level associations and clubs namely Keonjhar Philatelist Association (KPA), South Orissa Philatelic Association (SOPHIA), and Balangir Philatelic Associations are affiliated to EIPA with its members spreading promotions of philately. 


  • DoP, Odisha circle for establishment of a philatelic Gallery at Odisha State Museum, Bhubaneswar (2020). Different philatelic activities carried out by DoP from time to time supported by EIPA with active participation.
  • OWL, RBC and BASIX, Bhubaneswar on the occasion of EIPEX-2014 for the Mangalajodi Cover (2014)
  • Biju Pattanaik Special Cover with Swabhiman, Bhubaneswar (2016)
  • NATUREPEX-2016 with Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneswar (30th September to 2nd October 2016)- National-level Exhibition
  • Anjali International Children’s Festival, 2017 with Swabhiman, Bhubaneswar conducting a workshop as Resource person.(November 14, 2017)
  • World Postcard Day, 2023 celebrated with 13 associations and clubs across the country issued 15 Picture postcards depicting different attractive images. EIPA also gave one postcard from Serene Buddhist Monastery, Ratnagiri Odisha. The collaborative association for this celebration are Prayag Philatelic Society(PPS), Allahabad; Anand Philatelic Association(APA), Anand; Eastern India Philatelists’ Association (EIPA), DAAK Room, Lucknow Philatelic Society, Lucknow; ATLASKEEDA, Madurai Philatelists and Numismatists Association (MAPNA), Madurai; Chaturanga Philatelists and Numismatists Association, The Philatelists, Coimbatore; Philatelic Society of Delhi, New Delhi; South India Philatelists’ Association, Chennai; Baroda Philatelic Society, Baroda and Himachal Philately club.
  • Regional Science Centre, Bhubaneswar in organizing a philatelic exhibition on the occasion of “International Tiger Day, 2023; Workshop on the occasion of “Summer Hobby Camp, 2024”, “World Post Day, 2024” etc.